During the 2023-24 academic year, Lancaster Bible College marks 90 years of “educating Christian students to think and live and biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.”
We celebrate our history, our heritage and God’s good work through alumni, faculty, staff and friends of LBC over many years. We rely on God’s wisdom and guidance as we equip students to make a lasting impact on our world: in Lancaster, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., online and through partnerships in Uganda, Brazil and beyond. Read stories, view videos, stay up to date on events, and learn more about the past, present and future of LBC right here.
90th Upcoming Events
Throughout the 2023-24 academic year, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will celebrate our 90th anniversary! Here, we introduce our community to "90 Faces of LBC" each week. Keep up with all the news and events of our 90th year, read stories and more at UPDATE... Another LBC Grad Hired at…
Throughout the 2023-24 academic year, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will celebrate our 90th anniversary! Here, we introduce our community to "90 Faces of LBC" each week. Keep up with all the news and events of our 90th year, read stories and more at Jacob Stong Finds a Home in…
Throughout the 2023-24 academic year, Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will celebrate our 90th anniversary! Here, we introduce our community to "90 Faces of LBC" each week. Keep up with all the news and events of our 90th year, read stories and more at Dr. Richard Floyd In 2017, Dr.…