Institutional Effectiveness

结果 & 评估 for LBC | Capital

Lancaster 圣经 College | Capital 神学院 & 研究生 School’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness presents the following information as measurable evidences of the college’s outcomes and assessment.

Information Posted January 5, 2024


LBC | Capital exists to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving him in the 教堂 and society.


LBC | Capital will strengthen the foundation that will enable us to be the leader in collaborative, contextualized biblical higher education in the U.S. and around the world.


Lancaster 圣经 College has established a set of values to serve as the compass for fulfilling its mission. The LBC experience is an important factor in the development of ministry leaders. LBC’s values are as follows:

圣经. We apply God’s Word to all of life.

管理. We maximize and multiply God’s resources.

协作. We work with others to accomplish our mission.

创新. We strive to continually improve to give God our best.

仆人的. We serve others to bring out their best.

Institutional Evidences

The following are the primary means used to measure institutional attainment of objectives and to document student success.

1. Graduation/Completion Rates

A chart comparison of LBC's Graduation Rates 2013-2017

群总 毕业生
2017群 154 88
2016群 164 89
2015群 174 99
2014群 211 153
2013群 134 83
2. 保持率

chart of student retention rates

Full-time 学生 Retention Part-time 学生 Retention
群总 Returning students 群总 Returning students
2021年秋季 140 113 6 2
2020年秋季 154 123 5 1
2019年秋季 163 132 5 1
2018年秋季 171 128 2 2
2017年秋季 151 123 5 1
2016年秋季 164 124 7 3
2015年秋季 174 135 6 3
3. 就业 & Continuing 教育 Rates
部门 程序 毕业一年 毕业生人数 Employed in field and/or pursuing further education within one year of graduation+
艺术 & 科学 Criminal Justice 2021-2022 16 50%
2020-2021 5 80%
2019-2020 7 43%
圣经 & 神学 圣经 & 神学 programs 2021-2022 188 49%**
2020-2021 196 *
2016-2017 216 *
Business Administration Business Administration programs 2021-2021 87 71%
2020-2021 46 100%
2018-2019 50 100%
教堂 & Ministry Leadership All CML programs 2021-2022 126 85%
2020-2021 94 *
2016-2017 105 *
沟通 & 媒体艺术 沟通 & 媒体艺术 Production 2021-2022 26 80%
2020-2021 24 71%
2019-2020 18 78%
咨询 & 社会工作 咨询 programs 2021-2022 47 55%
2020-2021 8 100%
2016-2017 10 100%
社会工作 2021-2022 12 100%
2020-2021 14 86%
2016-2017 16 100%
教育 All 教育 programs 2021-2022 39 83%
2020-2021 24 83%
2016-2017 17 82%
音乐,敬拜 & 表演艺术 All MWPA programs 2021-2022 11 40%
2020-2021 17 71%
2019-2020 6 83%

* 就业 data not collected for these years
** Includes graduates who earned degrees for personal enrichment rather than for a career
+ Based on survey responses

chart showing employment one year after graduation

2021-2022 毕业生 Surveyed one year after graduation
Employed full-time in a position related to my college major 111
Employed full-time in a position NOT related to my college major 67
Employed part-time in a position related to my college major 28
Employed part-time in a position NOT related to my college major 6
Unemployed and seeking employment 15
Unemployed, not seeking employment (including retired) 19
其他 7
总计 253
4a. 学生 Satisfaction - I feel that the program . . .

chart showing how students felt their program prepared them
Source: Survey of 2022-2023 graduates

2022-2023 研究生 Responses
强烈同意 41
同意 48
不确定/ NA 7
不同意 5
Strongly 不同意 3
总计 104
4b. 学生 Satisfaction - I feel LBC prepared me . . .

chart of student response to how LBC prepared them
Source: Survey of 2022-2023 graduates

2022-2023 研究生 Responses
强烈同意 36
同意 49
不确定/ NA 12
不同意 5
Strongly 不同意 3
总计 105
4c. 学生 Satisfaction - Please rate your overall experiences . . .

chart of overall evaluation of LBC
Source: Sophomore Experiences Survey 2022

2022 Sophomore Responses
非常满意 20
满意 26
Somewhat 满意 18
Somewhat 不满意 12
不满意 4
Very 不满意 1
总计 81
4d. 学生 Satisfaction - I feel proud of the college . . .

chart showing how proud students were of their college
Source: Sophomore Experiences Survey 2022

2022 Sophomore Responses
强烈同意 26
同意 31
有些同意 19
Somewhat 不同意 6
不同意 2
Strongly 不同意 2
总计 86
Visit LBC | Capital’s LBC Lexicon of Commonly Used Terms